The herbal combination in this tea improves the liver’s functioning capabilities, relaxes the smooth muscles of the bile ducts, increases the body’s natural disinfectant and immune abilities, and reduces inflamation. In addition this herbal mixture benefits the body since it suppresses the reproduction of the microbes.
Active ingredients include Tanacetum flowers, Plantain Leaves, Sweet Brier (Eglantine), Nettles, Pine cones, Horse-tail grass, St John’s Wort, Yarrow, Strawberry leaves, Birch leaves, Flax seeds, Juniper berries and leaves, Peppermint, Thyme and Celandine.
Phytotea #24.
1 tea bag in 1 cap of hot water (10-15min). adults drink 2-3 times a day. recomended course 1-2 months. 1-3 Courses per year. Not recomended during pregnancy. |
Чай Печёночный. Улучшает работу печени, улучшает желчеотделение, обладает противовоспалительным, антибактериальным свойством. Состав: Плоды шиповника, корень валерианы, цветки ромашки, трава зверобоя, листья мяты перечной, трава хвоща полевого, трава пустырника, плоды малины |