The special blend of herbs in this tea produces a mild laxative effect, improves digestion, decreases any spasms or gastric pain, promotes regularity and at the same time prevents constipation when used for a long period of time. Ingredients include Birch leaves, Strawberry leaves, Willow-herb leaves, Buckthorn bark, Nut leaves, Raspberry, Fennel seeds, Peppermint, Eglantine (Sweet-brier), Plantain leaves, Wormwood grass, Motherwort grass, and Chamomile flowers. Recommended usage: Prepare with one tea bag and drink 1 to 2 cups daily. Course of treatment can last up to 120 days if necessary, and may be repeated three times. A 30 day rest-period between two consecutive courses of treatment is recommended, as with all herb tea treatments.
Promotes regularity.
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Чай Слабительный гемороидальный . Другие Слабительные Препараты Способствует нормализации пищеварения. При длительном употреблении облегчает работу кишечника оказывая мягкое слабительное действие. Состав: лист березы, лист земляники, кора крушины, плоды укропа, трава пустырника, цветки ромашки, корень солодки.
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