Vinilin Balm: Synonym : Shostakovskogo balsam, Balzamum Schostakowsky.
Thick viscous light yellow color with a specific smell. Does not dissolve in the water. Blending with chloroform, ether, vegetable oils.
Has enveloping, antiinflammatory, and bacteriostatic action.
Internally (in solution and capsules) to appoint a stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer, gastritis and colitis, dysentery. 1 desert spoon once a day (at night) for 16-18 days, giperatsidnyh gastritis and ulcers, for about 10-12 days, with colitis and dysentery-and 25 - 40 ml through Estimated during 3-9 days.
Externaly applied (to soak towels and directly applied on the wound surface), with the boil, carbuncles, trophic ulcers, festering wounds, mastitis, soft tissue injuries, burns, frostbite and inflammatory diseases. Contributes to cleanse wounds, tissue regeneration and epithelization. |
Винилин Бальзам. 100ml (бальзам Шостаковского)Уникальный медицинский препарат для широкого применения, обладающий сильным антисептическим, дезинфицирующим и фармакологическим действием. Показания: Фурункулез, карбункулы, трофические язвы, гнойные раны,пролежи, мастит, раны мягких тканей, ожоги, отморожения; гиперацидный гастрит, язвенная болезнь желудка и 12-перстной кишки, колиты, дизентерия. |