The Milk Thistle is the best-researched herb in the world from the standpoint of known active constituents, proven pharmacological mechanisms of action, proven clinical effectiveness through dozens of controlled clinical studies and decades of experience, and an excellent safety record.
Active ingridient: Silymarin is not a single component but a complex of chemicals known as flavonolignans.
In perhaps the best book on clinical use of phytomedicine, Herbal Medicine (English edition 1988) by the late physician, Rudolf Fritz Weiss, he notes that compared with silymarin, few plant principles have been as extensively researched in recent years. According to Weiss, the efficacy of silymarin has been confirmed by the extensive laboratory, histological and clinical data. Numerous well-designed clinical trials have been conducted in Europe, primarily Germany, on the therapeutic efficacy of silymarin in the treatment of metabolic liver damage, chronic hepatitis, and bile duct inflammation, often induced by alcohol, drugs (psycopharmaceuticals), and chronic liver disease including certain forms of hepatitis. The hepatoprotective effects of silymarin have been demonstrated in accelerating normalization of impaired liver function. Accelerated improvement in measures of liver function, including serum levels of GOT (glutamic&emdash;oxalacetic transaminase), GPT (glutamic&emdash;pyruvic transaminase) and Gamma&emdash;GT (gamma&emdash;glutamyl&emdash;transpeptidase) have been consistently observed. Dosages involved in clinical trials have often been 420 mg./day, used for a period of 4 to 8 weeks.
The therapeutic efficacy is based on several separate mechanisms of action. Silymarin alters the outer liver membrane cell structure in such a way that certain toxins, as demonstrated with the toxins of the Deathcap mushroom, cannot enter the cell. Silymarin also stimulates RNA polymerase A (also known as polymerase I), enhancing ribosome protein synthesis, resulting in activating the regenerative capacity of the liver through cell development. Clinical use of silymarin today applies to toxic liver damage for the supportive treatment of chronic inflammatory liver disorders and cirrhosis of the liver, such as in chronic hepatitis, and fatty infiltration of the liver by alcohol and other chemicals.
Milk Thistle seed preparations have been used for the treatment of liver disease since antiquity. At one time or another, virtually all parts of the plant have been used as both food and medicine with virtually no reports of toxicity, aside from a mild laxative effect in some patients. The extensive chemical, pharmacological, and clinical research that has been conducted over the past thirty years, has revealed the active components, mechanism of action, and proven its efficacy in human liver disease. Milk Thistle is one of those fascinating plants, whose use, supported by 2000 years of historical use, has emerged as an important example of how traditional information can be used for the development of modern herb products.
Other Milk Thistle products
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